Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Wonder woman

Why is it that while you are sore and bruised from being tossed around like a sack of potatoes by Hot Cop is when the world decides you are totally huggable and squeezable for any and everything you do? A random person who has done no more than fake-smile at me for the past five years completely happy-squeezed both my shoulders today because I hacked into her computer after another IT person left it in a state of unloginableness. I'd probably have a similar reaction if someone else did this for me, but... why now? I had to pretend it didn't hurt, but it severely did. No squeezing the Poppy this week. Thanks.


Avitable said...

I love to squeeze my Poppy! Oh wait, that's just my euphemism for . . . never mind.

Poppy said...

*blush* NO squeezing the Poppy! :P