Monday, April 02, 2007

"And then do you know what I said?"

I said: I have two photo sets for you that I really wanted to post all day yesterday but the stupid April Fool's / poisson d'avril site was up so I couldn't. One is the results of Mahogany Beef Stew and one is Sunday Garden Party miniature version which specifically focuses on the snow crocuses. I know they're my own pictures but I LOVE both sets!!!!!

Stewy DSC02274.JPG

Totally non sequitur, we saw The Prestige this weekend, which is the movie we actually meant to see when we got The Illusionist. (What? They're both about magic! And they both have leading ladies who have dated Justin Timberlake!) I really, really, really enjoyed the movie for the following reasons: I love me some yummy Christian Bale, loved his accent, loved his secret(!!!!), and loved that he totally pulled everything over on Hugh Jackman. The part I don't get, and feel totally stupid about, is the very ending. Is the point that Hugh (with Tesla's help) is the true magician, performing real magic/wizardry? Even so, what good does it do him? (If you've not seen the movie you might not want to visit my comments section, because I expect people will be explaining this to me.)

Hope you all had a great weekend! It was beautiful here. :)


Bearette said...

Poisson Avril...April fish? That's cool.

Rhea said...

I saw The Illusionist recently. I love magic and really liked the film. I don't really know if I understood how everything worked, but I still enjoyed it.

Avitable said...

No, the point is that the teleportation worked just like it did with the hats. He was cloning himself every time, and every time he stepped on that platform, he was going to die.

So he was so obsessed that he was willing to die and just hope that his clone was willing to continue his obsession.

Spencer said...

Very nice photos! I wish we had flowers in bloom. :(

Penny said...

Oh boy,lady, the picture of your Mahogany Stew looked SO good, I had to make it last night.

Freakin' awesome.

Even my kids - BOTH OF THEM - loved it.


Mel said...

That stew looks frakkin' awesome. I ganked the recipe. Can't wait to try it!

Oh, and now that you've started BSG, are you up on the "frak" term yet? :)

Poppy said...

Bearette - The French call it that because of the zodiac sign.

Rhea - I very much enjoyed it as well.

Avi - It is all so clear to me now. How would I ever understand movies without your brilliant explanations?

Spéncèr - Thanks. Yours will arrive soon. I have no idea why ours arrived before yours, you are warmer!

Penny - YAR! I am so glad the kids loved it, too! If you like thicker stew then be sure to add more cornstarch. I like mine THICK.

Mel - Hell frakkin' yah!