Thursday, April 19, 2007

les secrets

If you have a secret you need to offload then I'm your girl. I keep a mean secret and require very little in reciprocation (flowers, candy, cheese, alcohol, foot massage [ew, ew, ew,ew], a prity pikshur* -- that kind of stuff). Be forewarned, however, that I might divulge all the secrets in my memoirs book to be published when I die.

*And Sour? I promise you that I will be sending your consolation prize prity pikshur soon. I'm still scheming on the deets. If you have a special request please let me know. It won't be as fantastic as Stef's or Avi's artwork. Remember when I drew this:

? It'll be more like that. :P

And since I mentioned it the last time I posted that artwork, I shall remind the last two innocent viewers of my blog that stfu = shut the fuck up.

PS - Best note evah which was almost left on a car? Stef's gym note:

Seething Reprimand



Dan said...

There's nothing more annoying that people who park illegally or unethically to save themselves a few steps. Then again, these are the same people who use the elevator to go up or down one floor.

Stefanie said...

Hee. Glad you enjoyed my seething passive aggression.

sourpuss said...

No rush on the pic, it'll be a nice surprise whenever it arrives!

Spencer said...

I, too, leave notes like this for people. :) It usually makes my day!

I did have a link to share here with a note like this but I lost it ... GOOGLE READER needs a search option. It's the only Google product I know of that DOESN'T have a search box.