Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Okay, now that Blogger rollcall has been taken, I shall continue with meaningful posts.

... *crickets* ... (That was for P'nut. :)

Oh, oh! I had a dream this morning! About my brother! And, and...my mother. And my dad. And the police. And my friend Mike. And...um, the mountains. And bunk-style living. ... And, well, that's all I remember. I do know that I was very relieved to get out of continuing the dream when the alarm went off. I distinctly remember thinking, "thank goodness that's over with." I amuse myself. :)

Tonight's feast will be sesame ginger tofu with fried (cream cheese?) wontons. I'm so hungry I could eat my hand. Nummy. If I can pause long enough before devouring to take photos I'll post them later.


kimmyk said...

I hate having weird dreams. Makes ya analyze things in your life...and i'm hungry now...looking forward to the photos.

Maman said...

That dinner sounds tasty... it was chicken with tabbouleh here...

Mel said...

No more food pics Poppy!! I'm doing SO well at the whole WW thing... 15 pounds so far! You are taunting and teasing me with all the food talk!

And for the dream thing... make sure you are not drinking any caffine 3-4 hours before bedtime. That's what does it for me.