Saturday, February 18, 2006

Serenity now!

We finished watching Firefly last night, so tonight we get to watch Serenity! I am soooooooooooo excited!

Photo cred: Dragon*Con

Oh, and for the fans out there, Moxie posted over at Not Safe for Children about a River Tam/Summer Glau video. Scaaaa-ry!


PosterNutbag said...

so... how was it? (without spoilers please) i have too many friends who are completly gay over this movie. i've got to view it for myself and see what the fuss is all about.

Poppy said...

It was awesome, but it is definitely best after having seen the entire TV series otherwise bits of it probably make no sense. If you haven't seen the series and are able to borrow it ahead of time I highly recommend it. Like, A LOT. The movie is for the fans, that's why Joss Whedon made it. If you're not a fan you're not going to love the movie like the rest of us WHO ARE TOTALLY CRAZY OBSESSED OVER THE ENTIRE SERIES AND ARE CULT FOLLOWERS TO THE END OF TIME. :)