Friday, February 03, 2006

Dead and dull are two separate states...

I'm in blogland today, but nothing much is piquing my interest, save the very odd news that Stacy has been invited to a Super Bowl party hosted by porn queen Jenna Jameson. How bee-czar. :) Good luck, Stace...? I guess that's what you say when someone's going to a porn and pigskin party? :D

Oh, and the title to my post just refers to me not being dead, just not much to say today. How's your day?


Elizabeth Tarney said...

I too have nothing to report, and surely nothing as interesting as going to Jenna J's superbowl party. How does one get invited to that? Anyway, TGIF.

Have a great weekend, Poppy!

Poppy said...

Lil, no freakin' idea. Thanks for the weekend wishes, you too!

bdogg_mcgee said...

Dude, I'm actually pretty jealous of ol' Stace right now.

Jenna Jameson rocks. Have you read her book? It's GREAT!

Ha--can't imagine who's gonna come to your site because we say JENNA JAMESON over and over again.

Oh yeah--BOOBS.


I had a martini at dinner...