Me: *placing water bottle on floor*
Client: Oh, please don't put your water bottle on the floor. People with radioisotopes on their shoes walk there.
Me: Erm, okay, is it still safe for me to drink it now?
Client: Oh, yes, you should be fine.
Hehehehe. I'm so going to die from drinking radioisotopes. :) That amuses me.
Haha. That was like laugh out loud kind of funny.
Um, not there. Not there either. No. Um, still no. Okay, that's good.
What's a radioisotope? Is it bad?
I'm on Mexican food overload, so please don't mind the drooling idiot in the corner.
Go Topes!
that was funny, in a weird sorta way.
what could a radioisotope do to you?
Definition: (ray-dee-oh-EYE-so-towp) An unstable element that releases radiation as it breaks down. Radioisotopes can be used in imaging tests or as a treatment for cancer, e.g., in brachytherapy. In brachytherapy, the most popular are iodine-125, iridium-192 and palladium-103.
You should really tell your coworkers to stop walking around the office with radioisotopes stuck to their shoes. What - were they raised in a barn?
I would have never thought of that. Just one more thing for you to worry about eh? Radioisotopes!
Hmmm 2 thoughts...
First: Gotta die of something.
Second: shouldn't those people be wearing disposable booties and wearing radiation badges?
Yes, that is me... the morbid geek
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