Friday, February 17, 2006

Somebody's watchin' me

Whenever I am doing the following activities I get a sense that I am being watched by close-circuit camera, so I try to ham it up a bit:
  • taking a shower alone
      ham activity: try to move around seductively and bat my eyelashes

  • singing in the car alone
      ham activity: change pitch/keys to show my voice range, sing all the words with clear enunciation very loudly and with a smile on my face

  • eating alone at restaurants
      ham activity: look around at everyone without really looking, eat slowly, look like I'm having fun, read the menu with a furrowed brow

  • going to the movies alone
      ham activity: choose an aisle seat in the middle of the theater to show that I am not ashamed to be alone, laugh heartily or gasp loudly as called for by the events on the screen

  • walking down the street alone
      ham activity: wear a purpose-drive expression on my face, keep a brisk yet somehow leisurely pace, read something with a furrowed brow, continually check the time on my imaginary watch

(Have you noticed a pattern yet? :) No one has ever admitted to filming my activities, but it definitely makes solo activities seem much more interesting if I assume I am being observed.


Elizabeth Tarney said...


I applaud your use of the the furrowed brow in more than one instance.

melissa said...

Big Brother, man. He's all around us...

Well...maybe not in the shower. But still...


Mair said...

I second the motion on the furrowed brow! Maybe it's directly proportionate to how engaged we are in our lives. I can see this being a good graph.