Thursday, March 01, 2007

on my mind

Why do people double-kiss each other? I'm not talking about European kissing on either cheek, I mean the quick or slightly lingering double-kiss on the mouth.

I don't do that. My mom and my stepdad have done it since they've been together. I thought that was weird because it was the first time I'd ever seen it. I have seen other people on TV do it so now I'm wondering how common it is, and what the specific reasoning is behind it.

Why not triple-kiss?

Maybe I'm overthinking it.


Avitable said...

I don't understand what double-kissing is.

Poppy said...

You know how you kiss your wife really quickly to say hi or goodbye? Some people kiss-kiss, as in they kiss, pull away just a bit, then kiss again. That's what I mean by double-kiss.

Bearette said...

I met a Dutch woman who triple-kissed. Too much kissing if you ask me!

Anonymous said...

Personally, I'm a quintuplet kisser. I like to go that extra mile to let some know I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY love them.

sourpuss said...

I like when a long, lingering kiss is followed up with a soft quick kiss. It's like a finishing touch. But two peck-type kisses? Unusual.

Avitable said...

I never count. Sometimes it's one. Sometimes it's a million.