Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Georgie and the aloe

Despite having a superiorly bad day yesterday and feeling really awful by the time I left work (stress-related headache and stomach ache), it was necessary for me to go with Hay to the grocery store. I had a list and we mostly stuck to it, but didn't get home until about 7:30pm. When we did get home the first thing I noticed was two cats instead of three. (No worries, this ends fine.) I set down the groceries I had in my hand then went searching. Soon after I found this:



I then called the missing kitty, Georgia, to come see her mommy right away. She slinked toward me. I patted her on the head and told her not to worry, she wasn't in trouble. I grabbed the mini broom and dustpan from the coat closet and went to work cleaning up the mess while Georgie pointed to the milk ring that had caused her to knock the planter and stand over. Poor George had just been playing with her toy and the plant tumbled down on top of her fun. :(

I finished cleaning up, gave the kitties their crunchy treats, put away groceries, scooped the litter boxes, turned on the sink water for the cats, poured myself a tall glass of ice water, then vegged out on the couch while Hay made dinner. After dinner I grabbed a box of Dove cookies, set them down for a moment, then turned around to find Georgie rubbing up against the cookies:


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Moral of the story: Georgie is so cute that she could pretty much get away with anything and we'd still coo after her.


Elsa said...

It looks like Georgie has you wrapped around her little paw :) She is adorable - I can see why.

And I LOVE those DOVE cookies. The problem is that I can never seem to just have one...which is why I try not to purchase them too often.

... said...

Chase does the same thing...she will drive me nuts one second and then the next, she is so cute I can't stay mad at her.

Avitable said...

That is pretty cute!

Bearette said...

what a beautiful cat. i'd let her get away with anything, too.

Stefanie said...

At least she knocked the plant onto the tile mostly, instead of the carpet, right? That was mighty considerate of her.

And your cats love the milk rings too, huh? I have a stash of those at home I keep meaning to send to my little sister for her cat.

lizgwiz said...

What is it about the milk rings? They're irresistible. As is Georgie. :)

Elizabeth Tarney said...

That Georgie is one cute cat. Did the aloe plant survive the fall?

Poppy said...

Elsa - They are SOOOOO GOOOD, though!

Mishka - I wouldn't want it any other way.

Avi - Omit "pretty" and you're right. ;)

Bearette - Thank you!

Stef - That was kind of her, yes... Our kitties ALL love milk rings. If we don't give them the milk ring they sulk. Even if there are 4 more on the floor already.

Liz - I dunno, when the kitties share the secret on that I'll let you know.

DLil - Mostly. One piece came off completely and one piece is oozing. I put it back in the planter and the planter back on the stand. I fully expect to come home and see it back on the floor. Would serve me right. :P

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about you lousy day - but at laast you had a nox of Dove to make it all better! Your cat is very adorable, too. Poor aloe plant. :[

stinkypaw said...

Georgie is too cute!