Thursday, March 29, 2007

hair of the dog that bit me*

My hair is a total disaster today. Some days when I'm trying to be super quick in the shower I use Pert Plus 2-in-1 shampoo plus conditioner. Except we buy the kind that is formulated for Hay's hair, called "normal". My hair? Not normal. My hair? Frizzy when left to its own devices. I have to use smoothing products or else I look like Little Orphan Annie on crack. (Actually, that's what my next door neighbor looks like. I tend to look more like Pepper, but with lighter hair.) I'm not submitting a photo for you. I'm getting a haircut this weekend, which is code for "my hair looks like shit right now" so I guess it being a frizzbomb isn't much worse than what it normally looks like lately. Also, I haven't had highlights in quite a while now so I have blonde and red streaks that start at my nose but the top of my hair is my natural color. Disastre.

And, completely without segue, an incomplete recap of yesterday:

Yesterday I smooth talked my way into a ride with the chief of police so I could help him with his computer in regards to the project my supervisor asked me to work on with his group. He was visiting my office building for a meeting, so it seemed like a logical request on my part, despite my secret ulterior motives. ;) On our way out the door of my office building he felt obligated to call his wife, which just made me smile. Was he calling his wife to make it known he has one? To make sure he stayed a good boy? Or because she calls every five minutes and he better answer? Any one of the reasons amuses me. I was expecting a ride in a cruiser, but it was just his regular car. :( I'll leave the details inside my mind, but I had a very good hour and a half at the station. (Sorry to leave you hanging, perhaps you'd like to visit the inside of my brain for a minute? ... ... ... Yah, wasn't that fun? :)

The chief did ask me if I wanted him to arrange for an officer to drive me back to my office, but I refused and walked back. When I returned to my office I smooth talked one of the systems administrators into giving me a ride to a farewell party for one of the other SAs who is moving away to work for a very prominent technology company. The SA who gave me a ride actually lives down the road from me, so it's not like it was really out of his way to do so, but it still felt devious. :) At said gathering we all drank beer, ate pizza, and talked loudly (because we all got a bit trashed after being served lots of tasty beer but no food for the first hour there). I am very glad that the SA drove home, because I couldn't really see straight after consuming my two whole beers. (I have already been told I am a lightweight by Hay. Thank you for thinking that so loudly that I can hear you through the screen, though.) When I got home I was somehow able to get my stuff out of his car, walk up the porch steps to a door that Hay had opened for me, then stumble over to the fridge to get myself lots of ice water for the purposes of sobering up. Don't get me wrong, I quite enjoy the buzz, but it's only fun when there are other people around me who are in the same state of mind. Otherwise it's just sad. :) I think it took me probably 2 or 3 hours to finally sober up. I'm getting old. I even had to take something for a headache. I never used to get headaches. So sad, so very very sad. What will I do when I see ACW and Mel in July?! I'm going to be sitting under the table puking my guts out and holding the contents of my brain in!

*I had a Starbucks mocha frappuccino coffee drink this morning, not another beer. I just like the title.


acw said...

Don't worry. We won't have more than 3 or 4 shots in the first hour.

Poppy said...

My head hurts just thinking about it. Can we do tequila shots? Those are my fav.

Avitable said...

The best thing for a lightweight is to drink even more until they cross the mysterious "second threshold".