Saturday, March 24, 2007

giddy as a school girl

I do believe Katie is flirting with Mr. Colbert...

...until he throws his leg on the table and tells her to do the same. Then it just gets weird.


Anonymous said...

I love to see Katie being a ho bag..:)

Anonymous said...

Hmm, got to agree with you there. She laughed like a school girl, apt title. Colbert seemed to be enjoying her presence a bit.

She sounds like a smoker. I didn't realize this until I saw her in the interview with Colbert; I can't believe she's making an album. A music album. Dear lord.

Poppy said...

Jenna - HI!!!!!!!!!!! It was funny. :)

Spéncèr - My take is that she had a bit of laryngitis rather than being a smoker (it'd be weird if she smoked after losing her husband to colon cancer, although stranger things have happened). Also, I am 99.999999% certain she was telling a joke about the album. I tell jokes exactly how she did, where you can't tell if I'm serious or not. It's very confusing to the people around me who don't know me well enough to "get it".