Wednesday, March 14, 2007

cheat sheet

My tagline says it all. Yes, I'm making you translate multiple times. I'm evil that way.

Update: No one bothered with:

在星期四我是去。警告された! 넋두리 - я уязвлять вас!

So, either you figured it out or you gave up. It basically says that (Chinese) I am away on Thursday, (Japanese) I warned you, (Korean) if you complain (Russian) I'll bite you. That's funny stuff!


Jen said...

Well here is the comment I had prepared after doing the translations:

Таким образом Вы ушли сегодня. Но относительно чего Вы предупреждали меня и почему Вы хотите ранить меня?

I had the gist of what you were saying, that you were gone on Thursday and that you would hurt me!

Poppy said...

Eu gosto de morder coisas.

(And by "Eu gosto" I mean "Ik houd van". ;)