Tuesday, March 27, 2007

An entire nation of mouse-eared alkies grows up to steal panties.

I don't have a clever story this morning.

I have a stupid story this morning: Disney champagne. Let us encourage the youth of America to begin drinking as soon as they can hold their own sippy cups! Gooooood idea!

(Does that girl with the braids not look like she's staring at the other girl's undeveloped chest? Next CNN headline: Disney champagne leads to acquaintance assault)

Oh, and one more smaht story: Man steals 1500 pairs of women's underwear. Could you come over and steal mine? I need to clean out my collection before the new ones arrive, but I'm kinda lazy...


Avitable said...

I don't really see that as being much different from being given sparkling grape juice when the adults were drinking champagne.

Poppy said...

Sparkling grape juice is one step removed from actually naming a beverage after its alcoholic counterpart. That's the difference for me, anyway. Plus, this is stupid news, you're just supposed to laugh.

Elizabeth Tarney said...

Disney champagne? What's next? Girl Scout Cocaine Cookies? Oscar the Meth-head?

Poppy said...

EXACTLY! Thank you!