Friday, September 30, 2005

Poppy ganache



bdogg_mcgee said...

oooh, Poppy, you're so evil....


Wherever did you get that cake?

Elizabeth said...

Why does he get any at all? tee hee. That cake is diabolical. Now I'm craving chocolate, and all I have are some third-rate See's chocolates!

Poppy said...

It's from the cafe where I work. Over the years the cafe has begun offering gourmet food (at gourmet prices, of course). It was delicious. The crust had a hint of espresso. Man, nummy.

Iopine, I think my "Now hear this!" post answers your question. ;)

Miss Penny Lane said...

Am I a little bit retarded? What is the difference between the two?

Poppy said...

Miss Penny Lane - I don't think you're retarded...? The only difference is that they're different pieces of cake. Nothing different otherwise. I was just pointing out that one piece was for me and one was for the Mr. so as not to implicate myself in a ganache pig-out. :D