Saturday, September 24, 2005

Pardon the interruption

Every time I view my blog it crashes my browser, no matter which one I try. I know that PC users are able to view it just fine, since I asked someone to test it and I tested it myself on Mr. Poppy's Windows laptop - no crashing. I am not yet sure if the problem is user error (a change I made to my template), an Apple error (I applied updates on Friday), or a Blogger error (surprise, surprise...). So, bear with me while I figure it out. If you see my sidebar info disappear, fear not - it will return.


kris said...

Please, please don't let Blogger suck your will to blog. I don't know what we'd do without you.

Helen said...

I'm back! Ha! Wanted you to know that all looks fine from here. (I'm viewing on firefox) ALSO, great book you're reading. I am an Anne Rule fan and a true crime reader although I haven't read any in a while. I probably have about 100 of them!

Poppy said...

Helen, today I saw Helen's Flower at the perennial farm and thought of you. Next year we will add this beautiful flower to our garden.

Kris, I promise you Blogger won't force me out the door. For whatever reason, when I posted this entry my blog started behaving again. Dunno why, don't care, as long as it's okay again. :)

Anonymous said...

What Kris said. PLEASE.

Poppy said...

Stopping the blog is not in my forecast, je vous promets! Unless, of course, I get hit by the proverbial bus...