Tuesday, September 27, 2005

My quest to beat the recall

I'm up to page 187 out of 272 pages in Me Talk Pretty One Day, having started the book last night when I got home from work. Best of all, there's still time for more reading when I walk up the stairs to bed! See what happens when I read a book that I can scan because I "get it" without reading every single word? I'm loving The Stranger Beside Me, but I need to absorb every single word, so if I space out while reading I force myself to go back to where I last remember reading. With MTPOD I just press on, and I still get the gist. I actually heard the Rooster chapter when my friend who chirps like a bird loaned me her MP3. (Dearest RIAA, je vous promets that I no longer have said file. Go sue someone else. Merci bien!)

I'm quite certain I'll be done with MTPOD well before the Friday deadline.


Helen said...

Also, a wonderful read. Seems we have similar tastes in books. I love David Sadaris and have read all his books. Reading his most current now. (Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim)

Poppy said...

I loved Corduroy and Denim!! All except for the part where he tricks the boys into playing strip poker so that he can make them sit on his lap naked. That just seemed wrong. (Sorry, I have issues with children tricking other children into performing sexual acts.)