Sunday, September 04, 2005

In the Garden

Won't be much longer that I can do my garden gimmick before the cold forces the flowers to die off until next spring, so let's take advantage. All pictures this week are from our gardens.

The teaser is a morning glory that happened to grow in the humming bird & butterfly wildflower bed! We intentionally planted clematis next to the arbor in our front bed. The wildflower bed is on the other side of the house and behind, so there's no way that we planted that clematis. It was carried by bug or bird.


And, here's the full set. Yes, really, the veggies are from our garden. The 4 green peppers are becoming Spanish stuffed peppers this evening. Instead of white rice we will use Rice-a-Roni Spanish rice. NUM.


Anonymous said...

Ooooooh, such pretty colors!!!! I'm going to miss the garden shots when winter comes 'round.

Poppy said...

In the wintertime I will find something else to photograph and turn that into my winter gimmick. I'm very much looking forward to foliage time so I can post spectacular shots of the leaves' last hoorah.

Spinning Girl said...

ohhh, so pretty!