Monday, September 26, 2005

Busted chads*

I just received a recall* notice from the library for Me Talk Pretty One Day. They requested that I return the book by Friday because someone else "needs" it. So, I'm going to temporarily suspend The Stranger Beside Me in order to quickly read David Sedaris before Friday morning. BTW, I am loving The Stranger Beside Me. I'm only about 60 pages in because I only get about 30-60 minutes to read a day, often 0 minutes and with crime books I need to read every. single. word.

And, just a quick note to everyone (especially Jürgy's mommy), I really enjoyed Wasted and did not mean to imply otherwise. Parts of it I just skipped over, but just partial pages, not entire chapters! If you've ever had issues with food I recommend this book. There is no happy ending to this one, it's a true story of a girl becoming a woman in the midst of her eating disorders and how she must continue to live with the physical and emotional consequences in her everyday life. I relate to this and truly appreciate reading about others who had a similar (although, in her case, a much much more severe) life experience.

(*Recall? Busted chads? Yah, I think I'm funny.)

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