Friday, September 02, 2005

Success! and then, not so much.

I finally got through to the Red Cross page! Now we have donated money to the animals and to the people, as well as supplies to both. I feel much better.

I'm not trying to trash-talk my neighbor, but tonight when he came over while I was mowing the lawn and I told him about the relief efforts in our area, rather than saying "great, how can I donate too?" he complained about gas gouging and how it even affects how much of his lawn he can/will mow. Um. Back to focusing. We're talking about being nice to the victims of Katrina who lost everything but instead you want to bitch about gas costing a dollar more per gallon? Way to show some compassion.

1 comment:

Poppy said...

You are welcome to do so, Oregano. It is very frustrating to be someone who is concerned about the welfare of others and to be confronted with such blatant selfishness. It was so blatant that for a split second I felt bad for caring about these victims of natural disaster because, you know, if we just didn't care about all of the victims we wouldn't have to pay so much to care for them.

Then that split second was over so I finished mowing the lawn (which we've been letting grow much longer before we mow it) and went inside to check in with the relief efforts which seem to be going much faster now that so many people are taking action.