Monday, September 12, 2005

Pass me another fountain soda

My mom called me last night just for a chat and mentioned to me that she read an article about a study which claims that people who consume caffeine have a better memory.


Thank goodness I'm doing something right, and bless the little hearts of the folks in the Pays-Bas!


Unknown said...

I agree with your Mom. First they tell us caffeine will cause heart attacks. The last thing I heard was that most of we coffee nuts will avoid Alzheimers? As Cyndi Lauper once opined: "I need my coffee". Nice site. Stop by and say hello anytime!

Helen said...

I am a total caffeine addict but it contributes to other health factors that aren't so good. This we know is true but look for the benefits to justify our addictions. Is justification an addiction too? Yikes!

acw said...

Of course you have better memory. You have to remember to get your fix every 30 minutes.

Mel said...

Hooray for Diet Coke!

kris said...

Ah, no wonder I'm able to remember Pi to 76 decimal places . . .

Viva my stock in Coke!

Poppy said...

A fountain soda Coke and a piece of chocolate chocolate cake. Mmmmmmmmm!!!!

Maven said...

That study is correct... I'm uber-caffeinated almost all the time, and trust me when I say, there's a lot of shit I wish I could just forget!