Monday, August 01, 2005


I received my license renewal form in the mail a while ago. But, I need the photo ID, so I have to actually go to the DMV to get that. I have procrastinated, procrastinated, procrastinated... and, now I am late for getting my ID renewed but I drove myself to work today. So, in case I get pulled over I decided I'd at least put a post-it note on my wallet that says "go to DMV ; Wed 8/3; license renewal". Do you think that will work if I get pulled over? At the suggestion of Leonard, I am going 3 miles above the speed limit (or slower), my registration and insurance are current, just had the car inspected a few weeks ago so it should be fine. Keeping fingers crossed, and I think I'll skip out early today to go get my license instead of waiting until Wednesday.

Update: Went at lunchtime instead. No cops. Phew!


Anonymous said...

I still haven't gotten new tags and my birthday was June 22. Oops. Breakin' the law, breakin' the law...!

Poppy said...

Naughty! I told the lady I didn't want to smile because of my braces and the fact that I wouldn't have the braces in another year but would have the license for 4 years. She said my photo "would do" but that it wouldn't win me any smiling contests. She was really nice so I didn't glare at her and think evil thoughts at her, just chuckled.