Could someone please explain to me...
...why I am watching a recording of last night's Wild On Tara? Thank goodness my orthodontist's office called and moved my appointment up so that I'll have to cut the viewing short. Ugh. It's just an excuse for Paris Hilton to have more TV time, I think...
GAAAAH!!!! Clean out your eyes!!! Quick, before it stains!
So I'm sitting here after getting home from running the kids around, and I read "orthodontist" and I say, "SHIT!"
Because I forgot my kids' dentist appointments today.
Well, it sounds like you are feeling better enough to get to the orthodontist.
Take it easy, keep watching movies, and keep us updated! I want to rent a movie this weekend, and I'm going on your advice!
JN - Eyes cleaned, but memory still tainted. Help!
Misfit, too bad I didn't post last night about my ortho appointment. Oh well. :) I am sure dentists are very forgiving, and at least you didn't forget your kids in a hot car.
Mel, what kind of movies do you like? Hubby and I are known in our circle of friends as "they've seen everything". It's very difficult for them to find a movie they want to see with us that we haven't. Sad... I am very sore, but sore is different than in nasty shooting pain, so I'll take it! :)
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