Ooh, I almost forgot to mention!
This morning while Ripley and Georgie* tried their hardest to nudge me awake I was having my very first dream about my blog! It involved my family doctor, me dressed as Madonna (circa Lucky Star)
in a sort of black and white fizzly pic on the cover of Allure magazine, and inside was an article about my blog, but somehow I was running late for my day job and was in trouble for something. It was very surreal, and when I finally did wake up at 10am today I rationalized the pieces of my dream with real life events that have happened lately. I wish I could show you what my cover on Allure looked like. The part that amuses me the most is that I've never even seen Allure magazine, much less read it, much less aspired to be on the cover...
*Despite her extreme neuroticism, Allie never attempts to wake me up. She's very patient.
Congratulations you finally made it!
If anyone would like my autograph I'm willing to hand it out for free. ;)
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