Sunday, June 05, 2005

A trip to Home Depot

When we first moved to our house there were many objects we didn't already own because we had always lived at home or in apartments where outdoor and even indoor projects were paid for by our parents or landlords. When I first started going to Home Depot my blood pressure would rise, I would get visibly angry, and I would sometimes have a panic attack. Something in me has changed over the years, and now we go to Home Depot every other weekend on average.

One of the hanging basket plants we purchased yesterday (not the Lantana Firewagon) wilted and burned up by mid-day today, so we made a trip to Home Depot for some paint, another garden hose, some more garden fabric staples, and another hanging basket. I'm a nut for plants and flowers, and there was a sale, so we ended up with three new hanging plants - two more Lantanas, one a Honeylove and the other a New Gold, and a potted Begonia.


Also, two of our Irises bloomed today! They smell so sweet and wonderful! Aren't they just gorgeous?!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful...I love it....