Sunday, June 05, 2005


I was going to quietly blogroll this site and just let those of you who were destined to discover it do so on your own, but as I continue reading the entries I can no longer be silent.

Parents, if your kids are bad and need help in correcting their behavior, think long and hard before sending your child to "boot camp". I understand that kids can be crazy nasty, dangerous, psychotic, or even worse, but do your homework before sending your most precious gift to Hell.

1 comment:

Rowan said...

awesome...I was just reading 63 Days just now for the first time...had to take a break from intense. I've been having trouble with my teenager, but I know I will NEVER send him to be dealt with by people I don't know. Few things surprise me anymore, but what I've read of this so far just breaks my heart. Everyone should read 63 days...