Monday, June 13, 2005


I definitely don't mean to be disrespectful to my own gender (for those of you who are new, I am a woman), but I don't understand when women complain about men leaving the toilet seat up.

The guys always have to lift up the seat, but I have never ever seen a guy complain that he had to do so, which is what confuses me about the number of women I have seen complain that the man doesn't return the seat to the position that the woman prefers. Just check the seat position each time to avoid falling in.

Ask yourself this quesiton: Why is it more important that you find the seat in the position you prefer?


At our house we keep all of the toilets in the closed position (seat and top down) so that we both have to open the toilet to our preferred position. No falling in, no fights, no feeling that the other is being passive aggressive or inconsiderate.

What does tick me off is when we have visitors who leave the seat in a position other than completely closed. If you're in someone's home as a guest, please leave the seat the way you found it, particularly if the toilet is completely closed. When Georgie was just a kitten she took many a bath in the toilet before we had the chance to close the seat cover (and sometimes while we were still using the toilet!).

Georgie as a bitty kitty
(yes, Jenna, that is my "chubby" hand, thank you)

I had to wash her off about once a week. She has stopped doing this, thankfully.


c said...

I started insisting on the down position for all of the toilets in the house when I learned that flushing causes material to be expelled at alarming distances. Like, for instance, on toothbrushes across the room.


kris said...

I totally agree and was just thinking about this the other day, strangely . . .

I don't think our gender should take offense to that.

Now go make me dinner.

That might do it.

Ben said...

what a cute cat! I've got 2 of my own, how old is he now? Also my parents have trained me to always put the seat down so I guess I'll never have to hear any women in my life bitch about it.

Poppy said...

She's 10 months old right now. Almost full grown, except her head is still tiny. She is built weirdly because of her bizarre ability to sit on her back legs. She has a very muscular back end. :)

Poppy said...

Sorry to burst bubbles, that is an American Standard staged photo. I didn't credit the site to protect the innocent. I promise that you don't want to see a picture of my toilet right now. It needs to be cleaned.

Joanne said...

I always put the lid down too because I read something vague about it in some feng shui book (or website maybe) and since my bathroom door faces my bedroom door this is bad and all the bad toilet vibes would enter my bedroom and that just won't do. So it became habit and now I always do it even though I really can't remember all the details about why I do it.