Friday, June 24, 2005

Did I just crack the secret code?

Kris just told me that Tom Cruise is on the Today show talkin' smack about Brooke and psychiatry. I made some off-hand comment about his whole life being a sham, and then it occurred to me - remember back in 1938 when Orson Welles first broadcast War of the Worlds on the radio without telling the audience it wasn't real?


(Wow, that 2005 movie looks so much more exciting than the original book written by H G Wells! Oh, wait, no it doesn't.)

Does that not explain Tom's ridiculously bizarre life right now? He's trying to promote the movie by sending the public into a panic over his behavior. We are being invaded by martian Tom! But, it's just a publicity stunt. When he's done publicizing this movie he'll return to his regular bizarre underworld, only in the periphery of the public eye.

Did I get it right, Tom? Did I figure out your secret? Could you go away now, and let Katie go back to living her quiet life where nobody knows her name? Thanks, big guy!


Anonymous said...

WEIRDO! I am sick of Tom and Katie, I am ready for them both to fade into obscurity!

Anonymous said...

Heh... Tom will never go into obscurity so long as people are talking about him.

Poppy said...

Oh, damn your Vulcan logic, Oregano. I want to stop talking about Tom, but I can't!