Thursday, August 18, 2005

Blogger and GWB are one in the same?!

What the feck?! Bryan has alerted me to a new "feature" which allows you to flag a blog as objectionable so that the blogging police can come rushing with their sirens blazing to investigate my blog. Do they really want to get into that war?!?! People with blogger vendettas are going to use this against their blogenemies. Dur. Stupid. Stupid. STuPId.

Borrowed with requested (sort of) permissions from Brutal Naivety

Does anyone think about things before they implement them?!?! I give "FLAG" 30 days before Blogger is SO overwhelmed by the bureaucracy of it all that they revoke the Flag bouton. Despicable. This could be the one thing that drives me to a new blogging foray. I should have never republished my blog. *grumble*

P.S. - It might be quite humorous if a ton of bloggers marked the Blogger buzz page as offensive. I'm not saying you should go do that, because you can think for yourself. But, maybe they'll get the hint. Of course they're too chicken to republish that blog so that we can see the flag button. Instead you could (but again, I'm not saying you should, I'm saying you could) email them a bunch of times to remind them how much you hate this new feature and why.


Anonymous said...

I SAW THIS YESTERDAY AND THOUGHT THE SAME THING!!! I'm sort of offended, actually. Who is anyone to say what I write is offensive, and I think it is laughable that they don't realize that what is offensive to one isn't to another. I'm glad you posted this, I thought I was being too sensitive.

c said...

Yeah, this sucks.

I hope there is a lot of thought going into who decides what's offensive.

And it is pretty stupid that the Buzz doesn't have a flag. Wusses.

Poppy said...

So, really, they should have a SPLOG button at the top. I wonder what "very important person" made the complaint to Blogger about "offensive material" which made them add that button. It's just ridiculous.

Lisa said...

I was wondering what was up with that flag button. I hadn't clicked it yet.

I get the need for it---if someone is using the blogs for kiddie porn or to incite violence, they need to know that (and no, those aren't protected under free speech).

But I hope that the powers-that-be use some judgment so that an organized group of neo-cons can't troll the blogs for all the progressive comments and get them blocked. Or so people with vendettas can't use it as a form of harassment.

Joanne said...

It isn't that they are going to get rid of the blogs. (Except the way I understand it the splogs will go away yay!) but the ones that are finally determined to be questionable (ie porn blogs) will become unlisted, presumably to make it more difficult to accidentally come across them with the 'next blog' button or the 'recently updated' list. Not that porn is offensive, but if my 10 year old niece is online and checking out weblogs, I'd rather her not come across a random explicit picture.

Poppy said...

I understand the feature is meant for the best of intending blogizen (did I make that one up, too? we really need a bigger blog vocabulary...), but I definitely smell the odor of misuse here.

duff said...

glad i read this- i thought "flag" was for marking my favorites.

crisis averted. whew.

Poppy said...


So, now people are going to be "FLAG"ing their favorite blogs, and then the Blogger police will say "1500 people flagged your blog as offensive, we're shutting you down" when really 1500 people were flagging it as a best blog! BLOGGER, YO, RENAME THE FEATURE OR TAKE IT AWAY!!!