Sunday, June 26, 2005


I'm really confused by several of my favorite bloggers ranting about lurkers. Here's why:

(*they refers to the bloggers complaining about the lurkers)
  • they* have a blog that's public, not private
  • they* comment on other people's sites, which in turn lets more people know about their blog, so "strangers" might wander over just to see what's going on
  • they* blogroll people's sites, which in turn lets more people know about their blog
  • they* join blogexplosion, or blogxchange, or blogclicker, or or blog zoo, or...yougetmydrift..., which in turn lets more people know about their blog
  • they* post a "LURKERS, STOP LURKING" entry which basically insults anyone who is reading their site but not dropping a comment.

Yes, I love receiving comments, but I'm really blogging to keep myself happy and hopefully it makes others happy. I don't require one darn thing from my readers, and I would never, ever, never label someone who never left me a comment but reads my blog on a regular basis a LURKER. The way bloggers complain about lurking turns it into such a dirty word... Newbies are supposed to lurk! And, even if someone isn't a newbie, can't we all just be happy that we're blogging, and accept that some people are shy, or don't feel they have anything exciting to say in a comment so they just don't?

On the flip side, if you're reading this post, I'd love to hear from you. (Nice comments only, none of those mean posts like the time the psycho called me a drug addict and yelled at me for posting a funny definition of man that I found at Waking Ambrose. Merci!)


Anonymous said...

I've just read your blog for the first time. I find it interesting that your topic is lurkers. I never considered myself a lurker, but I did click on the link and I learned something new.

I believe I am one of the benign and also constructive lurkers. I just visit a community for awhile and read and learn, and when I finally have something to say, I'll say it. I have not yet begun my own blog - I'm checking it out and looking for a good name for my blogspot.

thanks for letting me learn!!!
Good day
Lurker - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jen said...

I don't think that most of the people that are "complaining" about lurkers are actually complaining (based on the posts I have read about lurking), they are just trying to invite more people to get involved and share their thoughts and opinions, which is not a bad thing. I don't think most people mind lurkers, they would just rather get to know them through comments. I personally welcome any lurkers to my blog! If one day they would like to comment, more power to them.

Poppy said...

For the most part, I hope that's true. Recently I have read one post about lurkers that was downright insulting, just so mean that I considered removing that blog from my blogroll. Then, another blogger talked about how creepy she thought it was that people were lurking around her site. I suddenly felt creeped out, but then I realized that I am choosing to share my information in a public forum so if I don't like the consequences (strangers knowing a bit about my life) then I shouldn't do it. And, I'm not ready to put blogging down, so I'll continue on knowing that some people will quietly read about me.

Poppy said...

Bryan, I'm pretty reserved. I save my words for when I actually have something exciting-to-me to say. I could comment on your blog by saying "I hear ya!" or something equally lame, but I'm waiting for the time when I see a post where I have something actually worthwhile to contribute. :)

Lynette - Thanks for visiting! When you're finally read to be a blogger let me know your address!

Anonymous said...

Why again is lurking bad? I have to say, I am curious to know who certain returning visitors are (Foster City, CA and Jenison, MI, I'm talking to you), but I'm not mad or weirded out by it. Actually, to the contrary. It is a compliment to know that I must be saying something worthwhile to make them return. I'm hoping for the day when they actually comment. I love comments, so long as they're nice. Who wouldn't? You'll have to e-mail me the post to which you're referring...I'm curious to know who has a problem with people reading their blog, especially given the reasons you list.

Helen said...

Hi Poppy! I agree with all you say about the situation except you lose me at the end. I mean, comments are for "opinions" and they won't always be favorable. I have received a few "not so nice" comments and I just leave them there. Maybe it's just "freedom of speech" and all that!

Poppy said...

I don't mind constructive criticism, but the comment I referred to was someone trying to put me down, and there was nothing constructive about it. If you don't like a blog and can't form an articulate comment it's probably best not to leave a comment...

Poppy said...

(Not pointed at Helen, btw. You leave great comments, sometimes very thought provoking.)

Poppy said...

Bryan - if I said that I didn't mean it in quite that way, I promise you that. And, wait, I did post earlier today! About turn signals! I did!

Anonymous said...

I had all of 82 visitors yesterday, most of which came from a link posted on another blog yesterday morning. I received not a single comment all day, but I am happy for every one of those visitors. Even more, I am happy for the link.

Elizabeth said...

Who knew that there was even such a thing as a "lurker." I was a lurker for a week before I made a comment on ABB's site, and who knows if anyone even read it? She's very provocative and intelligent, however, and I like her mind, so I'll comment again, I'm sure. I read 17 blogs now. I'm sure I'll add more to the list.

I tried to join the blogging ranks by signing up on, only to find that my archaic compter and operating system don't support the browser(s) required by So until I get a new system, I'll continue to lurk and learn and sporadically add comments that might be insightful.

That said (sorry to be so verbose), I've been reading your blog every day for about three weeks. I like your site, your comments and especially your photos—the photos of your in-law's garden were fantastic, engaging and created a beautiful mood, if that is possible on a blog.

Thank you for making the effort to write for us.

Anonymous said...

I find a lot of blogs that I want to read and check out before I make a comment or reccomend it on my blog.
I have read quite a few blogs for a couple of weeks and then decided they were dumb. That isn't lurking, that is having indiscriminate taste!