Friday, July 01, 2005

Not just a car insurance company

The best part is the summary:
She Might Be a Progressive Girl if:
  1. She drives: a small SUV but really wishes it got better mileage; once she can get a good hybrid, she will.
    (I don't drive an SUV, but I do have AWD. I don't drive very much, my husband transports me most places so that I don't become afflicted with road rage. He has an SUV.)
  2. She can talk for more than ten minutes about: just about anything.
  3. She begins her sentences with: "Susan Sarandon says..."
    (This explains my Tim Robbins obsession.)
  4. She'd never: pass up the chance for a new experience.
  5. She owns any of the following: a water filter, a tabletop fountain, an acre of rain forest, a mutt from the pound.More about my progressive self here.

(Thanks, Jenna!)


Anonymous said...

AWWW, We're the same!!

Anonymous said...

Ooh, I loved this one! I'm Indie Girl.