Friday, July 15, 2005

Is it just me, or?

Hubby and I stupidly stayed up past our bedtime last night. I was watching True Life on MTV and caught a commercial for the newest season of The Real World in which a punky who looks way too young to be on that show said he and the roommates were trying to bag as many babes as possible (or, whatever slang he used). Is it just me getting so old that I am seeing the cast members as younger than they are, or are the people on that show ridiculously young since Real World Vegas? That's the last season I could actually get into at all where the cast seemed at least partly adult. The newer seasons have left me feeling like I'm chaperoning kids...

I L-O-V-E Real World/Road Rules Challenge, though. :)

1 comment:

Joanne said...

I haven't watched regular Real World crikey, since Hawai'i or New Orleans (whichever was later). But I do love me some rw/rr challenge. It is so wrong! :)