Friday, July 08, 2005

PB Gone (not just a sandwich anymore!)

I don't remember where I first saw this product. The blogger was requesting other names for it than "Urine Gone" and I suggested "Pee Be Gone". Looky what just appeared on my TV:


Update: BitchFestivus reminded me that it was her site where I first saw Urine Gone. I thought she had made it up, but then I too started seeing the commercial on TV. Disturbing...


WendyCity Productions said...

So nice, they aired it twice! (You saw it on my blog first.)

WendyCity Productions said...

P.S. Supersize me!

Poppy said...

Oh, that's right! Thanks for reminding me, it actually drives me a little batty when I can't remember which blog I found information at because I like to give credit. I'm going to update the entry! :)

WendyCity Productions said...

Made it up? Darlin', I am creative but not THAT creative! Some things are just stranger than fiction. LOL!