Sunday, July 24, 2005

Why don't you just bring everything, okay?

My friends have decided they are going to the beach today and have asked me and my husband to go along. We said yes, what could we bring, and they replied "something to grill and a salad". That might not sound like a lot, but I know my friends and they've basically asked us to bring EVERYTHING.

I like my friends, but I am easily agitated by them. Last year was my friend's 30th birthday, and I was the only one who did ANY planning for it (not even his wife helped plan) and I ended up bringing $60 worth of picnic food AND THE CAKE while everyone else basically brought a single portion of food to eat for themselves, but they pigged out on my food, ate the cake, then thought nothing more of it. I was so upset that no one even appreciated what I had done that I had a migraine so I packed up all the food and left early.

So, I've decided we're revolting against the friends and we're bringing portions to grill that are only enough for the two of us, and just a little bit of FRUIT salad. (WHO EATS GREEN SALAD AT THE BEACH?!) I'll put the single serving of fruit salad and enough grilling food for the two of us in this BIG cooler that looks like it's FILLED with food. My friends' eyes will be wide, they'll get all excited, they'll rub their hands together in anticipation of feasting on the food that *I* bought!!!! And, then, I will move all of the ice packs aside to reveal!!!.... the single serving of fruit salad and two chicken breasts.

Actually, I'm changing my mind about the big cooler because if I bring that they'll bully their way into using my cooler for their own stuff. Nope. Nope nope nope. Not gonna happen. I will not be taken advantage of today.


Renee said...

Good for you for taking control! Show em who's boss! i hope you have fun!:-)

Anonymous said...

I think that is a healthy way to stand p for yourself!

Poppy said...

I was not taken advantage of today! Weeha...

...and, to double-spite my friends, I did the unforgiveable: I taught one of their babies how to play in the sand. My friend even jokingly said that I was stealing away his moment by playing with the baby for the very first time in the sand. I just said "sorry!" and kept on playing. :) She had a blast! And, so did I.

:p to my grubber friends. Would anyone else care to go to the beach with me next time? I don't bite.

Anonymous said...

That's awesome. Good for you! Cuz yeah, something to grill AND a salad?! That IS everything!! Christ, did they want you to pick them up too?

Poppy said...

I don't think they would have minded if I did pick them up. One of my friends looked way pissed when we showed up a half hour late (on purpose). Good, I say. There are plenty of other times where my friends have done the same to me, been even an hour or two late. I am not exagerating. Do I need new friends? Yes, yes I do. (And if any of my friends are reading my blog, perhaps you could learn to be nicer.)

Poppy said...

(And, yes, I'm all done bitching, so nobody need to tell me to stop. :p )

WendyCity Productions said...

Meow!!! That'll learn 'em.