Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Allow me to remind y'all...

This is my blog. If you want to be rude, go do it on your own blog. You know who you are. Etc. etc.

Please, people, if you're new here and you don't like what I have to say just MOVE ON. Matt, that was just f-tarded. (Thanks for the suggestion, S. :)


PosterNutbag said...

people can be so annoying!

Helen said...

Hey Poppy! Who's being rude to you? That bites but remember, it's only a way to make them feel better about themselves. Poor fool!

Poppy said...

Some poor newbie that didn't bother to leave an email or blog address so that I can't track him back, except through statcounter. :)

(Beware, the web is not anonymous!)

I appreciate your kind words. The mean ones make me very mad, wish I could just delete their comment and let it go, but oh well.

Poppy said...

Hi Bryan - that was the *first* guy who ever gave me shit. This guy said his name was "Matt". So, is Mark posing as "Matt"? That's so stupid. I can't stand that people feel they can be anonymously rude. If you're going to be rude at least have a trackback. Crying out loud!!!!!!!!!!!!!@!@@@!@@@!!@@!! (ok, now I'm just getting carried away :)

kris said...

Poppy, you are so kind and web-considerate. Mean people be damned!