Friday, July 22, 2005

I'm not dead yet!

Did you miss me? I sure missed you. Spent a fun day baking cupcakes for my wonderful husband then bringing the cupcakes to him, going to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with my niece*, then going to a dinner with 190 other people for the final night of my husband's company's user conference. I used to work for the company, so I got to see some of my favorite clients, an employee I haven't seen in a few years because she works out of a remote office, a former employee that I hadn't seen since Christmas. It was decidedly a very good day. :)

On a completely different subject, Netflix finally sent me "Born Into Brothels", an Oscar-winning documentary about the children of prostitutes. I'm looking forward to this one. I love to watch documentaries, particularly if it involves understanding people's life choices.

*I originally had written the word nurse here, Freudian slip I guess!


Anonymous said...

Ohhh...let me know? I've been wanting to see this.

PosterNutbag said...

alright. popular demand. you must post about this brothel documentary. (please. i'm curious.)