Friday, May 18, 2007

So not right.

If anyone would like to see something so totally inappropriate that it's horrifying then please email me (see my profile, remove the dashes). If you are Avi then I sent you the links already. If you are Mr. Fab then you don't need me to send you the links because I'm pretty sure you took photos of "it" (at least with your mind) when "it" was at your house. :P

Please note that if you send me an email while I am au Canada I won't send you the links until Sunday. Désolée.


Avitable said...

It was definitely a good one. I didn't think it was horrifying at all.

On another note, my word verification had "jizz" in the middle of it!

The Ferryman said...

I don't have the slightest idea what you are talking about.

And in a related story, my word verification had "cox" in the middle of it.

Dirty girl.

Poppy said...

Avi - It was horrifying to find it face up in the mail. Truly. And I made word verification give you that word. :P

Mr. Fab - I am a dirty girl, but I have no idea what you're talking about. Why would I choose "cox" in your word verification? I'd at least spell it correctly! :) And to answer your question even though you have no idea what I'm talking about: I swallow it because I'm a champ.

Anonymous said...

Inappropriate, I like.

Horrifying, I'm not so certain.

Poppy said...

Gecko, trust me, you won't like.

Mel said...

Ok, this I gotta see... :)