Thursday, December 22, 2005

Tuesday night Hay and I saw March of the Penguins. What a sad little film. When I was growing up I was slightly infatuated with penguins, so I instantly bonded with all the characters. And then it turned all Wild Kingdom on me and penguins were dying left and right. Que la f? I don't want to see penguins dying - I want to see happy penguins sliding around on their bellies, meeting their mating partner, bonding with their newborn baby.

I'm kind of overdosed on minimally bad stuff lately which makes me want to hide in a corner and be silent and shoo away anyone who tries to interact with me. I don't remember experiencing this during previous holiday seasons. Just sick of people lying to me (if you think you can't tell the truth don't bother to say anything at all, that's my motto), sick of one-track minds (could we please talk about something else? no? ok, then shut the fuck UP!), sick of having this feeling in my core of nastiness, like bile, only in its emotive form, sick of trying to be nice by snacking on EVERYONE's holiday shit whilst trying to maintain my healthier weight. Just, STOP. CALGON. YO. (Ha, so my officemate walks in to tell me about cookies and banana bread in the conference room. sigh)


melissa said...

Just when you think you can't take anymore, God laughs and sends in your officemate. : ) Ironic, no?

I haven't seen March of the Penguins yet. I don't know if I can get Ryan to sit through it or not--it may have to go on my list of movies to rent while he's out of town.

jules said...

This is actually on my Amazon wish list.