Saturday, December 03, 2005


Did anybody catch the interview with Maureen Dowd on Letterman? Wowzers. (And, no, I'm not talking about her sexpot outfit.)

Something puts me in awe watching a woman understand politics and present laypeople information about confusing political issues.

I don't agree with her on not needing men anymore. I mean, c'mon - what kind of hate spew is that? You can be a feminist and not trash talk the mens. Just sayin'. I might read her book anyway, just to place a check on myself on my own beliefs. If I feel myself agreeing with her I think I'm going into therapy...


Anonymous said...

Love of Maureen. I suspect she's had her fair share of Botox, or is high on cocaine, or both, but SHE. IS. AWESOME.

Helen said...

Nope but I sure caught Oprah!
I think you blog looks purty!

Bearette said...

I read an New York magazine article that described Maureen as "an utter and unreconstructed fox." Cool :) If I look like that in my 50s, I'll be very happy. I suspect her book is kind of crazy, but possibly interesting.

Bearette said...

"A" not "an"...oops!