Sunday, March 05, 2006

It's always the quiet ones...

Natalie Portman definitely rawked last night on SNL, and * was kind enough to post the rap/slash/interview skit, which was freakin' he-larry-ass. Here's it:

Her opening “monologue” was awesome, too - all that crazy Star Wars technical jargon putting the nerds to shame!

*It was since removed, so I found the video at another YouTuber's video stream. Enjoy!


Zombie_Flyboy said...

That was SO funny! I never really have been a fan of hers, but she just won me over.

Thanks for posting that.

LushlyMe said...

You had to assume that someone could utter the line, "If there was a retarded Oscar you would win, hands down, kick his ass!" would have a sense of humor!

melissa said...

I didn't get to see the beginning of the show, but I did see the rap skit--too funny!

I liked her as Sasha Cohen in the Weekend Update, too.

Who knew girl could be so funny!? (And her hair looked cute, too.)