Friday, March 24, 2006

Here I am, rock me like a hurricane

I have returned from under the pile of rubble! It will take me exactly one hour to catch up on comments, blogs, and the entertainment world. Please note that I shall be posting more today.

My teeth effing hurt, my class effing sucked, my grandmother is still in the effing hospital, there are still effing little men crawling all over the outside and inside of my house, and the cats are still effing pissed about it, but at least we're all alive to be effing anything, right? Rock on!


Thérèse said...

Hi Poppy!

Welcome back. :)

acw said...

You can save time and skip my blog. It's mostly necrophilia anyway.

jules said...

Hang in there Poppy! Little men crawling all over the house?! LOL .. I used to have a reoccuring dream when I was little about little men coming up the stairs to my house & picking up me & my bed and carrying me ....where? who knows?!