Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Stevie Wonder's not your co-pilot.

Wow, what a friggin' sucky night of Idol. Whoever chose the Stevie theme needs to be shoved in a closet with the door locked and the key melted into another object.

Even the bestestes are sucking hard.*

*I haven't seen the whole show yet so I reserve the right to change my mind, but Mandisa just bit it and Bucky's confessing that he's not really heard of Stevie.

Amendment: Bucky did an awesome job, but could we cut it out with the flashy lights? You're going to cause seizures with that shit!

Amendment 2: Katharine's vocals were incredible, but Hay says it best - she was wearing a potato sack. (A blue one, but still.)

Amendment 3: Paris. :)

Amendment 4: Chris. :} Simon's right - the first half of the show sucked, but the second half were the POWERhouses, and they were incredible.


Anonymous said...

I hate this Stevie crap. It's like Elton night a few years ago. Only Stevie can do Stevie and Elton can do Elton. NO ONE ELSE CAN DO IT; why go through it?

Ugh. I didn't think Mandisa was so bad, Elliot was okay, KELLY NEEDS TO GO HOME, and I can't wait to see Chris.

Poppy said...

i was clutching my ears during kellie, ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please, america, have mercy on my ears.

P'nut said...

Please... just. make. it. stop.