Friday, March 24, 2006

Why baseball is America's favorite passtime*

Because the players do amazing shit like this:

Effing a, that play was so incredible that I need to take the rest of the day off to recover.

(Save Manny)

Apparently passtime is really spelled pastime, but it's a contraction of "pass the time" so I'm leaving it!

[Middle English passe tyme, translation of French passe temps : passer, to pass + temps, time.]

F U English language! (I'm really going after the langues today... oh, and swearing a lot. Oh well.)

1 comment:

Mair said...

I always thought "pastime" was sort of like a time that's passed, ie, in the past. I know the alternate spelling is "pasttime," which actually looks more right to me! So now we have a third, too, which should go in the dictionary credited to one Poppy Cedes.

In other news, that play is amazing! Wow.