Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Oh, just one thing. Yesterday I found out I'm an INFP. And, the profile for the rest of America: ESTJ. Yes, the exact opposite from me. Sucks balls to know for certain that the rest of the world will just never understand me and vice versa.

For those who don't know, INFP and ESTJ are Myers-Briggs personality indicators/types. INFP basically means I am a loner who gets my energy from doing solitary actions and who tends to see the big picture but not all the steps to accomplish the big picture, and who tends to be intuitive about things rather than collecting data. The rest of the world being ESTJ means they get their energy from being around others, use data to make decisions, and need processes broken down and compartmentalized to accomplish goals.


Elizabeth Tarney said...'re different...nothing wrong with that!

I'm an ESFJ. I'm like 90% of other Americans, except that I'm a feeler, not a thinker. I can idetify with you on that aspect, since you are a feeler too! :)

don't call me MA'AM said...

I can't remember mine, but I'm different than most.

Have you ever done Gallup's Strengths Finder? It's such a positive spin on "personality/work/outlook" etc. It costs moolah, though, unless a) your company buys it for you, or b) you buy the How Full Is Your Bucket book. I think it was worth the time!!

PosterNutbag said...

i think i'm the same-- although, now i can not recall.

Stefanie said...

Hmmm. I'm an INTJ. I would've thought the rest of the country is ESFP. That would explain things for ME, anyway, though I suppose it wouldn't help YOU quite as much.

Jege (Jen) said...

You should take the personality test over at Spark....I think it is based on the Meyer-Briggs one, but it's much more fun:

bdogg_mcgee said...

I'm an INFP too...

Poppy said...

I'm an INFP too :) I frequently drive people nuts by asking them to lay stuff out from A to Z for me.

--the other Poppy

Jennie said...


I'm an INFP too, and although it has it's downsides, overall I'm so glad I am the way I am! I've learned it's just important to work with the INFP's (many) strengths, and not against them. I've been writing quite a bit recently about my trials and tribulations as an INFP, feel free to take a peek...
