Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Grow up! (??)

Did I ever mention that I can't stand Renée Zellweger? Or Hugh Grant? I thought I would go my entire life conveniently ignoring Bridget Jones's Diary, but because I love my friend B and would do anything for her, when she said I should see it I didn't hesitate to add it to the Netflix queue and bump it to the top of the list.

Last night in the car home Hay said, "I'll watch it with you, even though I've already seen it." I'm not exactly sure how he's already seen it since we've been together 8+ years and I didn't see it with him, but that's probably beside and underneath and maybe even hovering over the point. I loved this movie. Somehow Renée speaking with a British accent brings her annoyance factor down to a 0 (zero). And, making Hugh Grant into a bad guy? Brilliant!

I've heard the sequel isn't as good, so I'm not sure if I'll watch it, but I thoroughly enjoyed the first one! (Oh, and I totally saw the end coming, because Mark's character was too level-headed for what we were supposed to think was happening, but I still enjoyed being right, and I still enjoyed the homeless man gasping at Bridget in her leopard panties. :)

My one concern, for myself, is that I am starting to see a pattern of enjoying films, books, and other media that deal with single women struggling to find their special someone. Did I sign up for this when I turned 30?! I just never expected to like a subject which I find entirely girly. Am I becoming the person I never respected or understood before?! Crazy talk.

1 comment:

bdogg_mcgee said...

So glad you liked it! See, I knew I was right...

For the record, I HATED Hugh Grant until I saw this movie. Now I think he's irresistably yummy, but I still hate watching his earlier movies.

What's funny, now I cringe so much at the scene where she introduces Mr. "Titspervert" at the book launch that I have to fast forward through it.