Thursday, March 02, 2006

Au revoir, les Idol* enfants

We guessed Brenna, Heather, and David. Kevin was also in the bottom three, just got a few more votes than Sway. I'm not really sure Sway should have been kicked off, I know a lot of people loved him. Oh well.

*Zombie_Flyboy pointed out that not all of the world knows who those people are (which is SO okay, but anyway) so I added the word Idol and a link back to my household's earlier prediction.


WendyCity Productions said...

Hey toots... thanks for the post on my blog. I've been having quite a weird start to 2006. I hope all of my drama isn't a precursor to the rest of the year. Never a dull moment in the VendelaCity! Sorry I haven't been checking in. I promise to do so more often. By the way, I've posted another complaint on my blog. Whoopie!

Zombie_Flyboy said...

I have no idea what any of this is. American Idol?