Tuesday, January 17, 2006


Time to break out the helmets and catch me some Idol fevah. Are you ready for it? I wonder if this season will be any good. After all, Simon wasn't so right about Carrie U. surpassing all previous Idol winners. (I think he sold out after season 2.)


Bryan said...

List of shows I have never seen:

Survivor (seasons 1-current)
Amer Idol ("")
Big Bro. ("")
all other reality shows ("")

Except I caught a few episodes of Biggest Loser. It's the only show where all the contestants win no matter who walks home with the prize.

don't call me MA'AM said...

Most of it was just painful to watch... but I didn't stop. I posted a little (okay, a LOT) about it tonight. I just wonder who is telling some of these people that they're good. I mean, other than the scary mom and grandma. I know who it is. Drunks at karaoke. Drunk at karaoke think EVERYONE is good. That's where it all starts. Karaoke should be illegal.

0000 said...

I need to wach Idol! The preliminary eps are the fun ones...

melissa said...

Well, I was guilt-tripped into going to a basketball game with my husband (his l'il bro was playing). So, I missed it. I was less than pleased.

melissa said...

And, on a side note, I can view your blog AND comment!

Yay! :D

jules said...

I watched a bit of Idol last night! Got bored after a while and watched Commander in Chief - I really love that show, though I don't love Gina Davis in the role!

bdogg_mcgee said...

I watched the last half of the first season when Kelly Clarkson won....I just haven't been able to get in to subsequent seasons.

Probably b/c when I hear someone singing off-key, and them thinking that they sound good, it just makes me cringe.

I guess it's the years and years of choir training and my teacher yelling at us, "You're flat! You're flat!" that make me the way I am....


Bella said...

It was a great show. I couldn't beleive the "sun tan" girl. Something is wrong with her!