Monday, January 30, 2006

A conversation with myself

Poppy: I'm bored...
Poppy: Me too!
Poppy: Wanna go do something?
Poppy: Okay! What?
Poppy: Hmm, I thought maybe you'd have a suggestion.
Poppy: Yah... I got nothin'.
Poppy: Man, this bites.
Poppy: Yup!


Stefanie said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who both talks to herself and also answers back.

Renee said...

You crack me up!lol

melissa said...

So, is this inner dialogue or was this out loud???

Just kidding. It doesn't matter. You're perfectly normal either way... : P


You could...

Wait. Are you at work?

You could work.

Or take some more fabulous pictures to share.

Or email me if you're really THAT bored.

Or write a book.

I'm tapped.

P.S. I thought about making each line a separate comment. Because I'm bored, too.

PosterNutbag said...

i have this same convo with myself almost daily-- i never come up with anything either.