Saturday, June 16, 2007

If Jolie and Jon had babies they'd be Jonjolie-naked*

I had no idea Angelina Jolie and Jon Stewart were such good friends. Although, to be fair, I just assumed Ange was a robot and didn't have friends, she just had sex. My mind has been opened...

*Yah, I was trying to make a Nair joke, but it doesn't quite work.


Bearette said...

I kind of got that robotic vibe off her, too.

The Ferryman said...

She's lost a lot of weight. She needs to have a sandwich.

Avitable said...

I have never liked Angelina Jolie.

Poppy said...

Bearette - Yah...

Mr Fab - She can have one of my sandwiches, because apparently I've been eating too many lately.

Avi - And she told me last night that she has never liked you either. So, feeling's mutual. I, however, adore you both.