Sunday, July 23, 2006


It has occurred more than once that folks think I do opium just because my pseudonym is Poppy. Anyone who actually pays any attention knows that I just like the flower itself. I've never done any drugs at all, aside from ones prescribed for medical conditions, but people continue to make flippant comments that I am an evil drug user who is trying to corrupt others with my druggy ways. Um. Yah, farthest from the truth. I don't want to start an Internets war by giving specifics, but let's try getting to know people before insulting them, eh?


Avitable said...

You mean you're not an evil drug user who is trying to corrupt others with your druggy ways? Damn!

LushlyMe said...

I understand completely... I have gotten the odd comment here and there from those who believe my name indicates that I am an alcoholic...

don't call me MA'AM said...

Are you freaking kidding me? Some people have entirely too much time on their hands.

Joanne said...

I think there's a whole theory (or maybe I have a theory) about people who assume things based on their own frame of reference. So those who assume that your name is a reference to drugs it is because that's their thing. I naturally assumed the flower because duh, poppy seeds... poppy cedes.

Nessa said...

Oh, man and I was hoping to score. Idiots.